Love – Strength (Reversed)
#DearSoul, The reverse Strength card can highlight the difficulties faced by the seeker and their partner as they develop misunderstandings and disputes to lead their own ambitions. The seeker craves to be independent, but the circumstances make them codependent on their partner, which turns into clashing egos.
The seeker has to create more trust and understanding between him and his partner. The seeker should show more loyalty and give a sense of security to their partner. The card states that one partner will always have the upper hand in their relationship, whereas the other one is very submissive in their relationship.
The Strength card reversed suggests that you are in a position where you have little power to affect behaviour. No amount of modelling, persuasion or leadership will affect the out-of-control, untamed force that is set loose.
Subtleties are overlooked, and the inducements which have served in the past to reward order may meet with scorn. You may have to lay low and do what you can to preserve yourself, and let this upside down time blow over.
Finance – Ten Of Swords (Reversed)
#DearSoul, The reversed ten of swords prompts that you have luckily been able to battle a financial crisis in your life. However, this does not imply that your luck will favour you each time. The card also suggests that you can find yourself saving some money after much chaos. This is a lesson for you and you should have known that spending thoughtless can invite troubles.
Ask yourself what you would do if there were no one around to sympathize with you. Would you be making a faster recovery? If you reframe your situation to emphasize the chance to start fresh, things won’t seem so bad. Consider the possibility that you are indulging in drama; take a more accurate look at your situation.
Career – Seven Of Pentacles
#DearSoul, This card indicates that your career path is going well and there will be no issues when it comes to work. You will feel fulfilled and happy in a place where your talents and skills are appreciated. You may also feel exhausted because of work.
Do not prematurely count on your harvest while it is still green. However, barring catastrophe, you have the potential for a nice return on everyone’s investment of time and energy. When harvest time comes, you will be thanking each other with tears in your eyes, reminiscing about the good old days, and talking about next year’s crop with anticipation.
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