Love – Two Of Cups

#DearSoul, When an individual has chosen the Two of Cups card, if the individual is single, they will experience a strong connection and mutual attraction that will blossom into romance. For individuals that are already in a relationship, they will find that their relationship will reach on a new level of commitment that will be filled with love and support.

It could be a strong heart connection between you and a possible partner whom you care about. It could even be an attraction to an ideal or a vision that is as real to you as any interpersonal relationship. It can also represent reconciliation between your own masculine and feminine aspects.

Finance – Seven Of Cups

#DearSoul, The upright version of seven of cups will also bring new opportunities with respect to money as well. There will be a variety of options to choose from. But you have to keep in mind that not all the options are beneficial. You need to pay close attention to everything to make successful choices related to money. Seven of Cups is all about the choices you will be making. Money is a very risky domain. Every decision can bring either loss or profit in your life. Thus you need to be extra careful about whatever decisions you are making.

The Seven of this suit typically refers to works of the imagination, the use of dream and vision to invent a future different than the life one is currently living. This card reminds us that our outcomes are not set in stone.

Career – Nine Of Wands

#DearSoul, This card indicates that you are near the point of completion and the hard work can be shown on your face. The struggles may not be complete yet. But with humongous courage and efforts, you are reaching the finishing line in a glorious way. The workload can be tough but the pressure will end sooner or later.

The Nine of Wands in this position suggests that work relationships may be calling for re-organisation. If the current state of communication is stressful, it may damage the goodwill that had built up between the ranks. Everybody seems to be under duress, or at least that is the shared perception. Just because you think your boss, co-worker or customer is being grouchy and non-compassionate, there is no reason for you to become that way.

Go to #AmazingTarot for an in-depth Tarot consultation and evaluate choices in your life. Contact #DevBorah – #8553108398 #DailyTarot #dailyhoroscope #dailyhoroscopes