Love – The Star

#DearSoul, Tarot says, are you feeling lucky lately? It’s important to remember that luck is not just about chance; it’s also about taking action and making the most of the opportunities that come your way. If your actions don’t align with your desires, you may find yourself missing out on the luck and success you crave.

It’s also important to examine your relationships, particularly with your parents. Do you choose to be friends with them or harbor feelings of resentment or hate? Your choices may not align with what you truly desire, and this can hold you back from experiencing true happiness and fulfillment.

Take the time to talk to your inner self on a deeper level. Examine your motivations, desires, and values. Are your actions aligned with these things? If not, it may be time to make some changes. In long-term relationships, such as with a partner or spouse, it’s easy to fall into a sense of duty or obligation. While these are essential components of any healthy relationship, it’s also essential to find joy in the doing. Make time for activities that bring you both joy and fulfillment, and don’t be afraid to try new things together.

Remember, luck is not just about chance. It’s also about taking action and making the most of the opportunities that come your way. Examine your relationships, talk to your inner self, and find joy in the doing. With the right mindset and actions, you can make the most out of your luck and create a life that is truly fulfilling and satisfying.

Finance – The World

#DearSoul, Tarot says, the upright world card suggests that you will garner wealth from unexpected sources. You may have made investments in the past and it is time now for them to pay you back. Moreover, if you wish to make investments given how profitable they are at this point, you must do so without a second thought.

The World card may be giving you permission to do whatever you want. Presently, your motivation is close to the will of the divine. Even if you commit an error, it will be turned to the greater good. Stay active and just keep moving forward. It is unnecessary to keep checking or interrupting your spontaneity with calculation. Rather than look for consensus or affirmation from others, simply dance the dance. In other words, express yourself, react naturally, and let the chips fall where they may.

What matters is divine intention. Whether or not human beings approve is less important. If you allow your ego to inflate, however, you cease to be useful to the greater plan.

Career – Three Of Pentacles

#DearSoul, Tarot says, the upright three of Pentacles suggests that you could find yourself switching jobs or upgrading the task you are currently engaged in. This means that you will be working with a team in the days to come and your shared expertise can help you make good profits. You may feel like you are becoming dependent, but teamwork is a great way to achieve your targets.

In Tarot, when the Three of Coins is in this position, your work relationships are structured to encourage each person’s special gifts. You are willing to support each other’s genius with materials, information and recognition. Listen attentively to your work mates’ needs. It doesn’t matter whether you are playing the leadership role or are in the backup position this time around.

The card indicates that whenever you are ready, support for your success and unique talents will be forthcoming. This level of compatibility transcends the top-down hierarchy and role-based attachments that rigidify most workplace relationships, suggesting a meeting of souls who have come together to help each other out on multiple fronts.

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