DailyGuidance Tarot for Friday, 11th October 2024 by Amazing Tarot – Dev Borah

Love – Queen Of Pentacles

#DearSoul, Being the warm and practical person you are, you are extremely talented when it comes to matters of business as well as love and luxury. Your home is open to everyone and if you are single, then you find yourself ready to have a partner and begin a new chapter of your life. You have high standards and are extremely loyal.

The Queen of Coins in this position indicates that you have come into full possession of your instincts and intuitions. You trust your body’s wisdom, know how to decipher the signs and clues within daily events, and can feel the energies at work to discern the direction in which things are moving in your future relationship.

You may be the diviner or oracle for your family or tribe. You can open yourself to a question and decipher the natural response your body/mind gives. You may work with oracle systems like the Tarot, I Ching or Runes — or you may not. The feedback you give others – including a possible love interest — is invariably useful, practical and educational. You are grounded in the practical world and your hunches are trustworthy; others can bank on them. This card is quite a compliment to you.

Finance – Ten Of Pentacles

#DearSoul, This card indicates that you are not short of finances because there is a family member backing you and all your investments will be prospering. You will not be falling short of your finances.

The Ten of Coins in this position advises that you think of yourself as one who may be of great benefit to people. No matter whether it be a service, an invention or an idea — you know you are holding a storehouse of value. Your potential treasure is enough to take care of you and yours for a long time. Exactly how are you going to administer the rewards of your talent?

Recall the time when you began this current path or endeavour. Remember your sincerity, your innocence and your original vision. Can you reproduce success and sustain inspiration as the administrator of your present abundance? Think of every act of spending and investing and securing as the sowing of seed that will sprout and produce another money tree in somebody else’s yard. How can you get really clever and inventive at throwing those seeds? This is your next assignment.

Career – Two Of Pentacles

#DearSoul, The individual has pushed themselves on how far they could go and they continue to go further while doing a good job. They need to also understand that it may get difficult for them to go on further and they should relax for a while. Pushing yourself too much will result in burnout.

When the Two of Coins is in this position, too much is riding on a coin toss and it seems to be an irrational way to make big decisions. Resist the impulse to let the future be reduced to black-and-white, mutually exclusive thought-forms. Although some of the people you work with who have a need to be in control will jump to conclusions, there is no need for you to join them or take a position one way or the other.

Are all the facts in yet? Or is the coin still flipping in the air? If you are patient, you will spare yourself grief, while truth reveal itself in its own good time. In the end, the group might find themselves incorporating elements from all sides!

Try AgainGo to #AmazingTarot for an in-depth Tarot consultation and evaluate choices in your life. Contact #DevBorah – #8553108398 #DailyTarot #dailyhoroscope #dailyhoroscopes