Love – Justice

#DearSoul, Tarot says, It can be tough to open up and be vulnerable, especially when it comes to revealing your innermost truths. But, the Justice card reminds you that honesty is a crucial aspect of any relationship. It’s not just about seeking the truth from others, but also about being truthful with yourself and your partner. It’s important to take accountability for your actions and feelings, even if they are difficult to confront. If you find yourself holding back because of fear of judgment, it’s time to reconsider the foundation of your relationship.

Are you truly with someone who loves and accepts you for who you are? Or are you hiding behind a facade to please someone else? Remember, a healthy relationship is built on mutual trust, respect, and honesty. By being truthful with yourself and your partner, you are creating a space for genuine communication and understanding. This will not only strengthen your relationship but also allow for growth and personal development. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth and hold yourself accountable. The Justice card is a reminder that the truth shall set you free.

The Justice card asks you to distinguish between desire and need. Justice carries the scales and sword of legal probity, but in her heart she is attempting to understand what is behind the conflict so she can meet the needs on both sides.

Justice is not always meted equally across the board, however. Sometimes one side must be treated differently than the other. The fundamental concept behind your forthcoming relationship is the greatest good for the greatest number.

Finance – The Lovers

#DearSoul, Tarot says, You will earn and spend money equally at the same time. Though you try to be frugal, there still be expenses. Especially if you like socializing and meet new people, you will have more expenses. If you want to be frugal you should try to reduce your socializing. Besides you often waste you money on new clothes and ornaments. If you have a routine work, it may be difficult to earn additional income. But if you can have a part time job, you will be able to earn additional income and your financial status will not be too tight. If you have your own business, your financial status is not quite stable. Thus you should have reserve funds for your business.

The Lovers card advises that you study your options and make the wisest choice. Carefully consider your long-term interests. There is no judgment on what you choose to keep from the array of possibilities before you. Just watch out for choices that will produce dissatisfaction and discontent.

Be willing to make some compromises, then stick with the commitments you finally make. Trust your intuition along with your rational intellect, and once you make your choice, carry it out with conviction.

Career – Judgement

#DearSoul, Tarot says, Congratulations, it seems that you have experienced an awakening in your life. The Judgement card is a powerful symbol that represents clarity and understanding. It is possible that you may have had a new insight at work or gained an entirely new perspective on a situation or project. This newfound awareness can be incredibly beneficial for you, as you can use it to make better decisions based on truthful information rather than false ideas. With this clarity, you can move forward confidently in your career. You have the ability to make choices that align with your values and goals, and you can trust that you are making the right decisions.

This is an exciting time for you, as you are no longer limited by past misconceptions or misunderstandings. Instead, you are empowered by your newfound awareness and can use it to make positive changes in your life. As you move forward, keep in mind that this awakening is just the beginning. You have the opportunity to continue growing and learning, and to use your new perspective to create even greater opportunities for yourself. By staying open to new ideas and perspectives, you can continue to expand your awareness and make even better decisions in the future.

Remember, the Judgement card is a symbol of rebirth and transformation. Embrace this moment of awakening and use it as a springboard to propel yourself forward in your career and your life. You have the power to create the life you want, and with your newfound clarity, you are well on your way to achieving your goals.

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