Love – Ten of Wands (reversed)

#DearSoul, Tarot says, this card depicts the unshared burden of love and pain that follows. There might be emotional support lacking from your partner and you might be in need of some support from your loved ones but are troubled to find any. The team of spirit is falling apart from the relationship now. Stress and agitation have taken the place of romance and this is time to notice if there is any trust left.

Lack of perspective on your life may impair your progress. The Ten of Wands reversed suggests that you are struggling to get a sense of perspective on the situation. A lack of objectivity may impair your ability to follow through and bring things to closure.

Try to rest yourself. Then step back to take another look at the big picture. If you feel too exhausted to work toward long-term goals, rest until your vision clears and you remember why it’s worth the effort. Clear perspective leads to stronger motivation.

Finance – Two of Pentacles

#DearSoul, Tarot says, the individual would be holding onto deeds that should have been long gone. It will pose as a challenge, definitely for people who are an authoritarian figures and there will be a regular flow of money if this individual handles the matters in a correct manner. They should make sure that they do not overanalyze and work themselves too much.

The Two of Coins in this position advises you not to choose anything definitive for the time being. Give yourself a little more time to sort out your feelings and any mixed messages you may be receiving from others.

Ask yourself — are all the facts in yet? Or is the coin still flipping in the air? There is no need to be goaded into premature decisions or actions. Act only when you are able to do so with a unified heart and mind.

Career – Eight of Pentacles (reversed)

#DearSoul, Tarot says, the reversed Eight of Pentacles suggests that you are lacking in motivation. When you do not gain financial even after working so hard, you can feel like you have lost interest in your job. If this is something that is in your mind, you need to start looking for possible career options. After all, there is no point whiling away your time.

The Eight of Coins reversed asks that you not mistake your work for your identity. It is a common error to overly identify with one’s livelihood.

This card reversed indicates that you are in danger of losing your self to your work. This would be a big mistake. Refuse to accept such a limited definition of who you are.

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