Love – World
#DearSoul, Tarot says, The upright world card is significant when it comes to delving deep into your love life. If you are someone who is on the lookout for your soulmate, you can rest assured that you will soon find this person. A beautiful person with a beautiful heart is going to fill your heart with enthusiasm and you will find that for the first time, you are looking forward to exploring the world.
The World in this position symbolizes the energy of the Great Goddess Sofia — the universal womb from which all manifestation comes forth. This state of consciousness is characterized by a balance between the Inner Life and the Outer Life. In this state you are no longer alienated from other life forms, great and small. You worked hard through many cycles to achieve such a mystical experience.
Your ego can no longer block the light of awareness that moves through you. According to the Tarot, the spiritual mission of human beings is to mediate the three worlds of universal consciousness, self-consciousness and the collective unconscious. When such epiphanies happen, we experience ourselves in a timeless state of grace where there is no doubt, shame, or grief. Such a moment is priceless and worth all the work and waiting. It’s the culmination of all your efforts and a harbinger of remarkable potentials, romantically and otherwise.
Finance – Lovers (reversed)
#DearSoul, Tarot says, the card shows a threatening situation that can lead you to troubling times. Your financial status is in danger and could also call you to question the choices that you are making to understand your monetary conditions. It will also make you question your financial decisions and your billing expenditure. It is a sign to keep a check on the expenses that you are making. If your epiphany is early, then things might turn up. But if not, then you need to be careful and take immediate action.
The Lovers card reversed may indicate that you are going along with a divided situation because you have a vested interest in opposition. You can’t resolve this situation until you own up to your own double standard.
Admit the resistance you feel, instead of proceeding halfheartedly or with unspoken resentments. In such an important area of your life, you should not just go along to get along.
Career – Six Of Wands (reversed)
#DearSoul, Tarot says, This reversed card solely depicts your failure. However, failure can come in many ways. It can come in the form of a small conflict at your workplace where you might get accused of something you have never done. Or there can be situation where you will be asked for a pay raise but later you get to know you didn’t meet the criteria. So all the ways predict that you might either become a victim or get accused.
The Six of Wands reversed encourages you to agree to take a leadership role even if it’s uncomfortable. Along with the admiration and privileges of a leadership role comes the pressure of people’s expectations and a certain lack of privacy. You cannot hold up your good side twenty-four hours a day, so surrender to the reality that you will be more visible and accountable now, warts and all. Adjust your behaviour to accommodate this predicament.
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