Love – Temperance (reversed)

#DearSoul, Tarot says, The reverse Temperance card reveals that you may be met with surprises, but your love life will not be very happening. You might push yourself, but you do not find yourself to be capable of love emotions at this point. Have some patience and do not tend to be too expressive. You must not try to mold your partner based on your imagination if you would like this bond to sustain.

The Temperance card reversed suggests that you are in danger of giving up on yourself. Something is making you feel apathetic and ignore what you deeply want and need.

You may be morbidly overemphasizing the chaos and disruption that would come with change and growth rather than focusing on the regeneration and liberation that could be yours. Try to carve out a day in which you do only activities that make you happy. Eat well and get some rest, then take another look at your life. If you do not gain a better perspective, seek help.

Finance – Hierophant (reversed)

#DearSoul, Tarot says, there will be risks and it will itch you to adopt those new ways to earn money and develop a financial structure. These advices will bring forth the new creative ways which might make you feel interested in order to save money but still it won’t be long enough when you feel the will to lose it. There is a possibility that you may be wanting to engage towards those things that are stable, this might make you save money but you have to look what you’re trying to achieve.

When the Hierophant card is reversed, this may be indicating that you bring an unnecessary episode of rebellion against traditional, long held ideals and spiritual beliefs that belong to your lineage. Be aware that without the steadying influence of tradition observed from generation to generation, there would be no stable support system within which you could afford to rebel.

Get a sense of whether you are biting the hand that feeds you. Take care lest you damage your right relationship to the Great Mystery.

Career – Queen of Swords

#DearSoul, Tarot says, the upright queen of swords reveals that your charm and your intelligence are helping you with ways to achieve your career goals. People at your workplace are in awe of you and your hard work is something everyone look up to. The card ensures that all your pursuits are concluded well.

When the Queen of Swords is in this position, you are in the process of releasing yourself from a work-related relationship. The overall feeling is one of impersonal detachment. Certain ideas may have surfaced which emphasize differences between you and coworkers. Because the basis for the relationship is in question, naturally there is a change in the quality of interaction. What used to be a river of ideas between you is now a trickle. If this is so, then there is little left to cling to or be sentimental about.

It may be a good time for you to be on your own now. Think of it as you would a change of season: the situation or environment you are in is becoming dormant and the temperature is dropping into frosty zones. You may need to thicken your skin or put on a few more layers of emotional padding. Why allow yourself to be injured during this climactic shift? It is not really about you anyway. It may simply be about change.

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