Love – Ace Of Pentacles (reversed)

#DearSoul, Tarot says, for the couples, the ace of pentacles reversed card states that in a relationship, they are looking at the inequitable exchange of energies. It means that the relationship might not have the terms of longevity on the second thought constantly being weighed. There is a chance here that the relationship will not be grown to the perfect one which they ever wanted if they aren’t ready to give the peace of mind which they wanted. For the singles, the ace of pentacles reversed card states that the individual in person is gambling with their personal security and it not necessarily a wise decision to make at this time.

The Ace of Coins reversed suggests that you should reconnect with the values you are trying to serve. Perhaps external appearances have to distinguish between true gold and costume jewelry.

Search your heart. If your motives aren’t clear, your performance won’t shine either.

Finance – Seven Of Cups

#DearSoul, Tarot says, The upright version of seven of cups will also bring new opportunities with respect to money as well. There will be a variety of options to choose from. But you have to keep in mind that not all the options are beneficial. You need to pay close attention to everything to make successful choices related to money. Seven of Cups is all about the choices you will be making. Money is a very risky domain. Every decision can bring either loss or profit in your life. Thus you need to be extra careful about whatever decisions you are making.

The Seven of Cups in this position advises that you relax your mind and open to the dreams and imaginings your inner child loves to entertain. Allow yourself to imagine a truly positive outcome for this situation. Perform an exercise in creative visualization by relaxing your guard and letting go of your fears.

As the dreamscape unfolds, your electro-magnetic chemistry is stimulated to a point of achieving greater confidence in yourself and in what you are doing. Even if it’s only a temporary break from your fears, this is a helpful exercise because it gives your psyche and body a dose of unlimited thinking and optimism. Think positively — the results could truly be amazing.

Career – Page Of Pentacles

#DearSoul, Tarot says, You are definitely going to accomplish your goals and you will use this time to plan strategies for your business to gain profits and good yield. There are a lot of opportunities that are at your doors and make sure that you work hard to get what you want.

When the Page of Coins (in some decks, a Princess) is in this position, it is time to become a student again, especially in terms of the project in front of you. Take another look at your current career or work challenge as if it were brand new, so as not to be misled by conclusions formed in some other situation.

Yours is a project that is bigger than you alone. As you realize new insights, encourage coworkers and associates to come forward with their ideas as well. Honour their insights as they will help you re-frame the situation in new and helpful ways.

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