Love – Page Of Pentacles
#DearSoul, In Tarot, with the Page of Coins (in some decks, a Princess) in this position, you are typified as a person who is reinventing her or himself to create a better fit with a chosen partner or loved one. The wise apprentice shapes him or herself to the needs of the relationship and embraces a lifestyle, not just a limited “job” description.
Tarot says, such adaptability requires some study, some preparation — not to mention the actual experience of getting in there and wrestling with the challenge until you become skilled. As you improve your relationship skills you feel better and add value to your relationships.
The individual is extremely loyal and shy by nature, and they make passionate lovers with a great sense of humour. If the individual is single, then this is the right time to take action and to face their opportunities with courage than fear. Tarot wants you not to be afraid of rejection.
Finance – Knight Of Swords
#DearSoul, In Tarot, this card in reversed position has a negative effect and there can be someone in your life who is playing fraud with your money and finances. Maybe that someone is you yourself as you are not ready to accept your behaviour. This card has such a strong determination that it can make you greed for money and ignoring the practical facts that can be harmful. If you are not this, then you need to get rid of such people from your life.
In Tarot, when the Knight of Swords is reversed, fear of conflict is so powerful that you will bargain away all that is meaningful just to get through, or out of, a tough situation. You will say what you don’t mean, promise what you can’t deliver and hope to be saved by a miracle, just to see yourself delivered from a stressful time.
When you learn to tell the simple truth from moment to moment, you will have no more use for this reactionary behaviour that is invariably followed by shame and regret.
Career – Three Of Cups (Reversed)
#DearSoul, In Tarot, the Reversed 3 of Cups represent everything opposite to what the upright card stated. This card indicates that whatever the seeker has planned for their path of success. All their plans may go downhill if they do not control and figure a way out. The main events of the seeker will start getting delayed and their career will start seeing unfortunate events. The seeker needs to control their emotions else they will get into conflicts and misunderstandings with their higher authorities and co-workers. The seeker needs to stay calm and find a way to get over the chaos.
Go to #AmazingTarot for an in-depth Tarot consultation and evaluate choices in your life. Contact #DevBorah – #8553108398 #DailyTarot #dailyhoroscope #dailyhoroscopes