Love – Ace Of Wands (reversed)
#DearSoul, Tarot says, Reversed Ace of Wands indicates a short period of bonding and love. Passion is present in the binding but it will soon be gone. You might engage in multiple lustful affairs and hotshots during this time. The beginning stages will feel very exciting but when the relationship starts to become serious, things will start to smoulder. The wait and enthusiasm in new love will be absent. It can be the time to change or reignite passion.
The Ace of Wands reversed suggests that you may be resisting change, which can seem frightening. Nevertheless, it is to your ultimate advantage not to balk even though the situation may seem risky.
Finance – Ace Of Pentacles
#DearSoul, Tarot says, It is a phase in which the people will always have a new opportunity over the money or the financial matters as the person having this card will be lucky enough to cast a new business or even bigger projects. There might be a possibility of somebody receiving an offer of money or even giving them money for the good of the other or the poor. The person also can hold over the charity for the poor kids to give a good turn to their dees. Other than that the ace of pentacles upright card in tarot states that there will be a goof and stable flow of money.
The Ace of Coins in this position advises that you apply nature’s lesson of compound interest and develop your project gradually. A slow and steady buildup — visible or invisible — makes change and growth inevitable. Akin to the changing of the seasons, you do not notice this trend from day to day. As the year comes full circle, however, you cannot miss the changes.
This card advises that if you work a little bit every day toward your long-term goal, at some time in the future you will discover that you have accumulated magnificent results. The secret of achieving success does not lie in inflating your dreams to grandiose levels; instead it comes about by choosing your direction wisely, while humbly and faithfully taking one step at a time.
Career – Lovers (reversed)
#DearSoul, Tarot says, When you pick a Lover reversed tarot, the card in terms of your Career shows that there are many conflicts in your work life, and you might get into nasty arguments at your job. This spell can be an issue for you to handle. You may not like the job that you are currently working on. It is also likely that you might wish to discontinue at your workplace. And allow yourself to decide on quitting as you have lost all your desire and motivation.
The Lovers card reversed may indicate that you are going along with a divided situation because you have a vested interest in opposition. You can’t resolve this situation until you own up to your own double standard.
Admit the resistance you feel, instead of proceeding halfheartedly or with unspoken resentments. In such an important area of your life, you should not just go along to get along.
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