DailyGuidance Tarot for Wednesday, 3rd October 2024 by Amazing Tarot – Dev Borah

Love – The High Priestess

#DearSoul, The High Priestess craves deep communion with Nature and attunement with cosmic law. She wants to be far from the hustle and bustle, the daily traffic of life, so she can meditate. Try to open yourself and make your hidden feelings get revealed, suggest The High Priestess. If we talk about intimacy, Yes, it is open and increasing. Being honest and loyal in your relationship will be best for making things better.

Get your ego out of the way and let your mind become attuned to a more subtle, spiritual view. Seek to divine the principles behind seemingly chaotic events, daily life or society in general. Take some time out. Write in your journal. Sit on a mountaintop. Work with your feelings until you become reflective like the smooth calm of still waters at dawn.

Finance – Tower (Reversed)

#DearSoul, The reverse tower card indicates at the possibility of a struggle that will not let to garner anything financially. Instead of getting disheartened and make it worse for those around you, focus on how to can make things work for you. Something you did unintentionally may affect the people in your surroundings. So, beware.

The Tower card reversed suggests that the drama is over. All the leaning towers have fallen. Leave behind the issues and emotions that caused this to happen. Ask yourself what you can do now that the options of your past are closed. As you pick yourself up and begin again, you will find renewed energy for your next significant endeavour.

Career – Three Of Cups (Reversed)

#DearSoul, The reversed 3 of cups represent everything opposite to what the upright card stated. This card indicates that whatever the seeker has planned for their path of success. All their plans may go downhill if they do not control and figure a way out. The main events of the seeker will start getting delayed and their career will start seeing unfortunate events. The seeker needs to control their emotions else they will get into conflicts and misunderstandings with their higher authorities and co-workers. The seeker needs to stay calm and find a way to get over the chaos.

Go to #AmazingTarot for an in-depth Tarot consultation and evaluate choices in your life. Contact #DevBorah – #8553108398 #DailyTarot #dailyhoroscope #dailyhoroscopes